A widow in Uasin Gishu County is crying for justice after one decade of seeking to recover a section of her prime piece of land that has been grabbed by a private developer.

Ms Patroba Yator said she was forced to cut short her stay in Belgium where she also resides after being alerted by a neighbour to the effect that a section of her prime two-and-a-half acre plot worth Ksh70million had been grabbed by the developer

The developer, she said took advantage of her absence to plot the scheme to hive off part of the piece of her property adding that all efforts including pleas from relevant authorities and family members to have him surrender the property to her have fallen on deaf ears.

Speaking to the media at the disputed plot, Yator said her struggle to reclaim her plot has taken a toll on her health and resources and is now appealing to the government to intervene before she loses her property to her ‘tormentor’.

“I have knocked almost all government offices including the judiciary and police seeking justice but all in vain, and I do not know whom to run to for help anymore,” the widow lamented.

She claimed that she bought the prime plot through an auction five years ago after the original owner failed to service a Ksh3 million bank loan he had obtained from a local bank in Eldoret town.

“I paid the bank Ksh4 million including arrears amounting to Ksh500,000, whereby the bank gave the green light to me to take possession of the property, unfortunately, my efforts to secure a title deed for the same has hit a snag,” Yator said.

Yator has taken issue with the original owner of the plot accusing him of colluding with unscrupulous officials in the ministry of lands, and some local administration to frustrate her efforts to secure the vital land document.

“He has given the condition that I forfeit half an acre of my prime plot in exchange for the title deed for only 2-acres and yet the loan I cleared was for the entire two and a half acres land,” she complains.

When reached for comment Uasin Gishu County Criminal Investigation Officer (CCIO) Ali Bule Samatar confirmed that the case had been brought to his attention, and assured the widow that his office will deal with the matter decisively noting that those who will be found culpable will face the law.

“I am aware of the matter and I have instructed my officers to visit the disputed property with a view to resolving the issue to enable the widow to get justice without further delay.”

The officer said the complainant has already recorded a statement with the directorate of the criminal investigations department in Eldoret in connection with the grabbing of her property.


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