In a notice dated Monday, December 19, the UDA Disciplinary Committee Chairperson, Charles Njenga accused Nyamu of bringing shame to the party and injuring its reputation.

“In the said incident which is well captured on video that has been widely circulated in both mainstream and social media, your conduct and mannerism as exhibited in that incident have brought shame, disrepute and lowered the dignity of the party which nominated you to the office of Senator.

“Article 73 of the Constitution of Kenya as read together with the code of conduct of the party and your oath of office, delineate with clarity the expected conduct of a member of the party who has been afforded the opportunity to serve in public office, to represent the party at the Senate and the general public,” Njenga said in a summon notice.

Karen Nyamu is expected to face the disciplinary committee on Friday,  December, 23 at 9:30 am at the party’s headquarters at Hustler Plaza in Nairobi.

“In accordance with Article 29 (xiii) you may represent yourself in person or appear with an advocate of the High Court of Kenya,” the letter further indicates.

The incident took place on Saturday, December 17 in Dubai.

“Great and powerful women will attest that many times our weakest link is the men we get involved with. I am stopping the pattern. I have made a conscious decision to end for good my involvement with the father of my babies and now ex-Samidoh Muchoki,” Karen Nyamu wrote.

“I know I could have called him and ended it quietly but I decided to make this as public as the drama and controversy have been. This had become a concern, especially with the position I hold as a member of the 4th senate,” she added.


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