Uasin Gishu County Commissioner Edison Nyale has issued a warning to local chiefs who failed to show up at this year’s Jamhuri day celebrations.

In a video, Nyale claimed that the chiefs aforementioned had failed to execute their duties in mobilizing local residents to attend the national function.

While continuing his spiel, the charged administrator threatened to take action against those who failed to attend the event.

“Chiefs, is it that you can no longer do your work? Or how else can you explain this? This means people no longer have faith in you so when you tell them to show up for events like this, where very senior people like the county commissioner and the governor, who is coming to listen to their needs, they cannot come,” the county commissioner stated,“

He added: “Are we supposed to address empty seats? Do you want us to take action on all those caps you are wearing? We do not want to witness such a low turnout from Uasin Gishu, the president’s county,”

Otieno, who was addressing Mombasa residents at Mama Ngina Waterfront on Tuesday, December 12, noted that most of his juniors had not attended the national-wide celebrations.

He ordered a roll call to establish those who were present at the event.

“I am aware that Kisauni DCC is unwell however where are the rest? Can those from Nyali, Kisauni and Mvita please stand up. Mvita team please aanzeni kuitana,” he directed.

He further threatened to issue dismissal letters to those who had failed to attend the function.

“For all those who have failed to attend tomorrow you will all receive your letters once the Deputy County Commissioners(DCCs) of the areas provide me with the names of all those who are here today,” the tough-talking Otieno noted.


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