Four suspects who are believed to be behind the theft of drugs in Murang’a county referral hospital will remain in police custody for the next 14 days as the investigations into the matter continue.

The four were arrested Friday evening February 24, 2023, by police officers while they were loading 12 cartons of drugs into a waiting car within the hospital’s compound.

The four, Antony Ng’ang’a, Ann Nyambura, Frida Wangechi and Linus Muriithi, appeared before senior resident magistrate Erick Musambai in Murang’a law court on Monday morning February 27, 2023.

The investigating officer Steve Kongo requested more time to conduct a deeper investigation into the matter.

The suspects had requested the court to be released on bail, an application which Kongo objected saying they might interfere with the investigations.

Murang’a governor who was in the court said it’s sad to see people who are entrusted with the drugs meant for the patients turning into thieves causing the public to suffer.

Kang’ata said the county has injected millions of money into the health sector to ensure patients get drugs instead of buying from private chemists.

The governor revealed that there is a well-organized cartel which has been stealing drugs from the hospitals for the past three years.

He said they have been smuggling drugs from the health facilities every Monday and Friday and this has been draining the stock at a very high rate.

“The cartel has made drugs their cash cow but we are going to end this trend and ensure not even a single pill goes unaccounted for,” the governor said.

He said there are some staff members implicated in the scandal that are on the run, adding that the police are pursuing them and once arrested they will be arraigned in court.

“We will leave no stone unturned until we get to the root of this issue and no one who will be found culpable will be spared,” Kang’ata remarked.

Murang’a East OCPD Mary Wakuu said the worth of the drugs recovered is yet to be established, adding that investigation into the matter is ongoing.

Wakuu thanked the members of the public for volunteering to give the information about the incident saying this is what enabled the police to arrest the suspects.


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