Top Gatundu South Sub County police officers who sought anonymity told journalists that enough officers had been deployed in the entire constituency but a good number of them had been assigned to keep vigil at the former president’s home.

The police boss further insisted that the high deployment at Uhuru’s Ichaweri home was necessitated following the invasion of Northlands Farm along Eastern Bypass which is also linked to Kenyatta’s family.

“We have enough security officers at the home of the former president today because of the demonstrations that have been called by Azimio. We also do not want what happened at Northlands to happen again,” said one of the top-ranking officers.

A spot check at the home established that highly a***d officers were patrolling the compound while normal business operations were ongoing at the village and in Gatundu Town.

“We are ready for any eventuality because we have officers all over patrolling the entire constituency,” added the officer.

The police bosses urged Gatundu constituents to go about their normal businesses without fear and urged them to remain peaceful to smoothly undertake their social-economic activities.

Meanwhile, Northlands Farm which had been invaded by goons on Monday has been highly guarded by both police officers and trained security dogs.


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