The police have presented a raft of reforms to the National Police Reform Task Force led by former Chief Justice David Maraga.

Among the issues they want to be addressed include poor remuneration, delayed promotions, lack of allowances, mental health services and lack of modern weaponry.

Led by Rongai police commander Wilberforce Sicharani, the officers who aired their grievances to the National Police Reform Task Force in Nakuru decried that the government should consider increasing their salaries.

They also requested that the government should also include hardship allowances for police working in bandit-prone areas and areas prone to terrorism.

“Areas like Subukia and Laikipia are prone to insecurity. Teachers working there have hardship allowances but police officers do not have, we propose the same to be affected,” Sicharani stated.

Additionally, the police commander called on the government to consider setting up more training centres and sessions for police to undergo the necessary training.

He also decried the poor state of police stations in the region noting that it demoralised officers from executing their duties.

“Furniture is poor and the environment unsafe. Officers working in those areas are not motivated, safe, or proud of their work,” he stated.

On his part, the Nakuru GK prisons deputy who spoke shortly after Sicharani noted that the increments should be reviewed yearly. He also advocated for increasing the risk allowance and providing unlimited comprehensive medical cover for officers with the number of dependants rising from 5 to 10.

“The police risk allowances should be increased from Sh7,000 to Sh30,000. Police officers are always at risk and get injured during operations,” he said.


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