President William Ruto on Wednesday, January 4 opened up on what led to the exit of former Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) boss George Kinoti.

In a joint media interview with leading television stations, the President revealed for the first time that he fired Kinoti over various extra-judicial killings.

“There was a container at the Nairobi area where people were being slaughtered in a police station.

“I mean how did we end up there? What kind of rogue an institution was that? That is why I fired that Kinoti man,” a visibly angry Ruto said.

Ruto said more than 200 bodies of innocent Kenyans had continued to be retrieved in rivers and thickets with the cause of their deaths remaining unknown during Kinoti’s tenure at the agency.

In September last year, the President claimed Kinoti had opted to resign from the helm of DCI.

“The commission will get someone to act in that position for now as we wait for the other processes to fill the position,” Ruto said when he announced Kinoti’s “resignation”.

Kinoti was on receiving end from Ruto and his team during the campaign period.

The President accused him of being used by then President Uhuru Kenyatta’s administration to settle political scores.


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