The management of the popular city night joint, Quiver Lounge, has dismissed allegations that they asked a catholic priest to dedicate their lounge in Kenol, Murang’a county.

Speaking to a local publication, the lounge’s General Manager Joseph Ng’ang’a brushed off the claims stating that the men in robes had visited the premises to bless the mall as a whole and not the joint alone.

Quiver Lounge happens to be one of the many businesses on which the new mall sits. The businesses there range from supermarkets to petrol stations, as you’d expect in any mall. Therefore, the mall owners, who also happen to be the proprietors of Nokras Hotels and Magunas supermarkets, simply sought the services of the Church in dedicating the mall to God. That’s how Quiver Lounge was captured in viral videos while the priest did his thing. This was absolutely not a Quiver Lounge initiative, but that of the mall owners under which the club falls, ” he told the publication.

At the same time, Peter Mbugua, the owner of the lounge also denied seeking the services of the priests. He added that nightclubs were businesses like any other businesses that get blessings and should therefore not be criticized.

“We have always sought pastors to pray for our nightclubs every time we open a new branch. This is a business like any other. There are a lot of risks in nightclubs – people can be stabbed to death with bottles, there are knives involved, fires in the kitchens, and stampedes too. We always ask God to protect us from hazards and we also channel a lot of our profits to the Church. I don’t see any controversy in asking men of God to bless a new nightclub,” Mbugua said.

He added: “As you’ve already been told, the mall in which Quiver Lounge sits, was being dedicated to God as any business person would as he embarks on a new business challenge. While Quiver Lounge is a nightspot, it also enjoyed the blessings from the priests since it’s also part of the many businesses the Murang’a mall hosts,”

In the video that left tongues waging, the priest, who attended the opening of the famous Lounge in Kenol, was seen springing holy water on the premises as another member of the clergy held a basin for him.

A section of Kenyans thronged the comment section to share their opinion. Quarters strongly disagreed with the decision stating that it was ‘tarnishing’ God’s name. However, a section of netizens seemed to be happy with the decision.

Below were some of the comments:

Samuel Favour wrote: This is pure shame regarding the honour of God’s name! I condemn it.

dj2one2: This is proper. I did the same too.

kadamawe_roots: Heri kufikiria Mungu kwa bar kuliko pombe kwa church… Hope we’re on the same page.

2mbili: The fight is against poverty not the devil (each other).

eric_kanda00 wrote: Holy Family BARsiLIQUOR.

thee_nairobi_kid: Mapepo zikifukuzwa zinaenda kwa walevi.


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