A boda boda rider who ferried the officer to the homestead located within Maundu Ni Meri shopping centre told the police that the deceased was stabbed by a suspect who was delivering 20 litres of illicit brew.

Apparently, the suspect resisted arrest and reached for the knife stabbing the officer on the left side of the chest before fleeing the scene using a motorcycle.

“The suspect fled immediately after stabbing the deceased to death using a motorcycle leaving the 20 litres of chang’aa at the scene,” the report reads in part.

The rider identified as Moses Lojore Loingoni proceeded to report the incident at Rumuruti Police station.

“Police officers led by Sub-county police commander and sccio Laikipia West proceeded to the scene and established that No. 237696 IP Prosper Wandera the deputy ocs Rumuruti had been stabbed on left side of the chest using a Sharp object suspected to be a knife ocasioning a deep wound.”

The body of the deceased officer was moved to St Benedict hospital mortuary Nyahururu awaiting postmortem.

Meanwhile, a manhunt for the owner of the home and the murder suspect is ongoing.


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