Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has termed the intentions to impeach her as witch hunt orchestrated by detractors who want to distract her from effectively delivering services to the people.

Speaking on Friday, Mwangaza denied allegations of abuse of office and conflict of interest levelled against her in the impeachment petition and by the members of County Assembly (MCAs).

Through her lawyer Danstan Omari, Governor Mwangaza disputes ever threatening any employees whatsoever whether directly or indirectly to promote political activities in their social media or face termination of their employment in default.

“The allegations are extremely untrue and maliciously brought against her by people who are hell bound to cripple her administration and service delivery to the people of the great Meru County,” said Omari

In response to the allegations by Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), Mwangaza denied appointing her husband Murega Baichu as County Youth Patron

“As the First Gentleman, Mr. Murega Baichu volunteered to be the Meru Youth patron with the intention of assisting the youth in developing their talents in music and arts. This is a charitable position that does not in any way interfere with running of the county government departments,” Lawyer Danstan Omari said

Mwangaza has further disputed allegations that she directed county employees to participate in furthering the interest of Baite TV and says her husband Murega Baichu does not own Baite TV.

On the allegation of hiring her sister to be her security personnel, the Governor claimed her sister is an employee of the National Police Service and is therefore not on the County Government’s payroll.

The Governor now decries ill intentions hunt by her political opponents whom she says are out to sink her administration.

The post My impeachment is an act of witch hunt, says Mwangaza appeared first on KBC.


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