A middle-aged boda boda operator in Mwingi town committed suicide following a disagreement with his wife.

Joshua Tungu is said to have taken his life after he hanged himself using a rope inside his rented house in Mwingi town. His body was discovered by a neighbour, David Maluki, who heard a commotion from his house.

Upon checking, the neighbour who later alerted others discovered the body of the deceased dangling from the roof.

“We heard a weird sound from his house and on peeping from the window, we saw his body hanging from the roof,” he said.

Maluki who claimed that the deceased lived well with his neighbours told authorities that Joshua had an argument with his wife which consequently saw the wife leaving her marimonial home.

He added that after his wife left him, his brother spend the night with him to watch over him. A few minutes after he left the house, he received a call that he had committed suicide.

His body was moved to a nearby morgue.

Elsewhere in Kavuoni area of Mwingi central, a 15-year-old girl committed suicide.

Peninah Kanyiva Kimanzi was set to join form two this year at Itoloni girls secondary school in Mwingi west before the incident.

According to a police report, the minor is said to have taken her life after her mother left home to pay her school fees.

The report added that she used a lesson to hang herself on the truss of her grandmother’s house. Her lifeless body was discovered by her aunt who later informed the mother and the police.

A suicide note was left by the deceased at the scene. She had claimed that she took her life because she had not completed her school homework and could not tolerate being canned by teachers.

Her body was moved to Mwingi level 4 hospital mortuary awaiting autopsy.


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