A Makueni court sentenced a man to serve six months probation after he pleaded guilty to stealing a wheelbarrow valued at Ksh5,000.

The accused person, James Mwanthi, appeared before the Makueni Resident Magistrate Elizabeth Kemei where he pleaded guilty to the offence.

Mwanthi committed the offence on October 14, 2022, at Kalawa Market in Mbooni East Sub-county where he stole a wheelbarrow belonging to Lilian Mutindi.

“I ask the court to forgive me. I will not repeat the same mistake,” Mwanthi pleaded stating that it was his first offence.

“You have been convicted due to your own plea of guilty. The court advises that you be placed on probation for six months under the supervision of a probation officer,” Kemei stated while giving her ruling on the case.


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