Detectives in Mombasa county arrested a 25-year-old man for being in possession of a pistol loaded with 15 rounds of ammunition at the Likoni ferry crossing.

The officers drawn from the Directorate of criminal investigations (DCI) while acting on an intelligence report managed to arrest the suspect named Musa Abdulnassir Kassim as he ferried the pistol from Diani to Mombasa Island.

According to police, at the time of his arrest the pistol make Glock of serial number 187 was loaded with 15 rounds of 9mm ammunition concealed in a black backpack.

“The suspect could not produce a firearm certificate nor could he explain where he got the said firearm and ammunitions from,” part of the police report reads.

The suspect is currently being detained at Likoni police station awaiting to be arraigned in court on Tuesday.

“He will be arraigned before Mombasa law courts on January 3, 2023, for the offences of being in possession of a firearm and ammunition without a firearms certificate,” the report stated.


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