In a statement posted on his X account on Thursday, January 16, 2025, Mutua who was in the company of Raila Odinga revealed he was honoured to link up with the newly appointed leader.
Mutua was particularly praiseworthy of Boko’s knowledgeable mind, who happened to attend the Harvard Law school like him.
The visit is part of Kenya’s strategic efforts to strengthen the important Southern African Development Community (SADC) bloc in preparation for the AUC vote scheduled for February 2025.
Odinga had initially followed up the visit with a trip to Harare where he met President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Monday, January 13, 2025.
The legal practitioner is part of the former Premier minister think tank for the African Union chairmanship bid.
Others in the team includes Korir Sing’Oei, the Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary, Elkanah Odembo, a former Kenyan ambassador to the United States, former Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Executive Secretary Mahboub Maalim, Ambassador Anthony Okara, and former Nyeri Deputy Governor Caroline Karugu among others.
Mutua has extensive expertise in both legal and academic fields. He previously served as dean of Buffalo Law School and The State University of New York.
Odinga will face off against Mahmoud Ali Youssouf from Djibouti, Anil Kumarsingh Gayan of Mauritius, and Richard Randriamandrato of Madagascar.