The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has released a list of petrol stations found selling adulterated fuel in various parts of the country in a recent crackdown.

The petrol stations totalling seven were flagged during a crackdown conducted between October and December 2022.

During the period, EPRA said a total of 5,044 tests were conducted at 1,040 petroleum sites.

“From the tests, 1,033 (99.33%) sites were found to be compliant. However, tests from seven sites
(0.67%) turned out to be non-compliant,” the notice issued on Friday, December 30 reads in part.

In some of the stations, the authority said it had detected Kerosene marker dilution.

Other stations were found to be offering for sale Diesel or Petrol containing high sulphur content which has a negative impact on the effectiveness of emission control systems.

Other stations were found selling Super Petrol and Diesel meant for export.

Joy Filing Station in Kwale and Glorious Filling Station in Kitui were closed after they were found offering for sale Super Petrol adulterated with domestic kerosene. The two stations were, however, reopened after upgrading the product and paying taxes and penalties amounting to Ksh70,000 and Ksh150,000 respectively.

The other five non-compliant stations remain closed. They are:


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