A missing female Kenyatta University (KU) student was found dead at her boyfriend’s house in Kahawa Wendani, Kiambu county.

At the time, she informed her parents that she was visiting her sister, before heading home. However, she failed to return home and her mobile phone was not reachable. Her parents called her sister to check whether she had stopped by.

Apparently, the deceased had problems with her parents prior to the incident. This was after her parents established that she had gotten pregnant while in school.

However, despite the disagreements, she had never gone missing. She lived with her parents in a neighbourhood within Kahawa as she still went to school.

Victoria’s body was discovered after neighbours who experienced a foul smell emerging from her boyfriend’s apartment alerted the police.

“The man who lives there was not around and we found it odd that there was a bad smell coming out of the house. It smelt like something rotten inside the locked house,” a neighbour told a local publication.

“She must have been dead for at least three days,” an officer privy to the investigations said.

Police traced her boyfriend and arrested him before taking him to Ruiru sub-county Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) for questioning. The suspect told police that he had left the deceased at his house while he travelled home.


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