In a notice shared, the taxman stated that the exercise which is set to begin on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, will involve a data collection exercise on rental properties in Nairobi and the Nairobi metropolis to collect more taxes.

This according to the taxman, will serve as part of its tax base expansion programme.

“We will undertake a data collection exercise on rental properties within Nairobi City County and the Nairobi Metropolis as part of its tax base expansion program from Wednesday, October 19, 2022,” the notice reads in parts.

“KRA officers conducting the exercise will identify themselves using KRA staff identification cards which can be verified by dialling the USSD code *572# through the KRA M-service App or using KRA Thibitisha which is hosted on the KRA website,,” the notice added.

Speaking at Maua Stadium in Meru County on September 11, 2022, Ruto revealed that officials at the Treasury had confided in him that the country had an outstanding debt of close to Ksh10 trillion.

“It is a must we lower the cost of living and save our economy from sinking further because Kenyans are suffering and we are inheriting a country with almost bursting debts,” he said.

He told the hundreds of faithful present the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) must rise to the occasion and perform its duties. “Paying tax is the only way we can save this nation because we have been borrowing more than saving. We have a debt of close to Sh10 trillion and at the same time, we must implement the Big Four agenda to make the lives of Kenyans better,” Ruto said.

He said it was unfortunate that Kenya only saves seven per cent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) compared to China at 55 per cent.

“China is able to loan us because they save 55 per cent compared to our country unfortunately saves 7 per cent which is way far low. We need to work hard to get ourselves from this mess,” he said.

“I will lead from the front in paying the tax. So, I am calling on KRA to conduct the exercise in a professional and transparent manner without harassing Kenyans. Let no single business be closed because they have not paid tax. We need to be responsible,” he added.

He indicated that he will soon announce a drop in the cost of flour and fertilizer.

“ We cannot continue digging the hole which is already too deep. We need to fight on how to get out of the hole and that is why we are asking Kenyans, leaders who will be in the formation and even those in opposition to team up with us so that we can revive the economy and grow our nation together,” Ruto said.

“I am looking forward to the day that we will borrow money from the people of Kenya and not other countries,” he said.


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