The food stuff including 4,000 bundles of unga, 1,000 cartons of cooking oil and 750 sacks of beans have reached out to residents of Magarini, Malindi and Ganze constituencies believed to be the worst hit areas of hunger.

Accompanied by Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung’aro, the evangelist extended his helping hand after the Kilifi County Government initiated efforts to reach out to Non-Governmental Organizations residing within and outside the county to support in donating food stuffs to help the countrywide ravaging hunger.

Speaking during the food distribution program in villages of pastor Ezekiel said he was touched by the plight of hunger that had hit the county after he came across the news through the media.

“I reached out to the governor of Kilifi Gideon Mung’aro and he quickly came in to accept my donation which to my surprise he even chose to personally accompany me for the food distribution program to his people,” pastor Ezekiel said.

On his part Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung’aro commended the move and promised to work round the clock to bring in more donors and supporters apart from both National and county government interventions to save lives of hunger stricken residents.

Mung’aro said already the county government has offered to distribute water Bowser’s across the worst hit villages and will see that they receive more food stuff to help the situation.

The post Kilifi receives food donation worth Ksh 13 million to curb hunger appeared first on KBC.


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