Two middle-aged men were on Friday arraigned before a Kabarnet court charged with stealing 37 cows valued at Ksh740,000.

Wesley Cheptoo and Mathew Chesiget were charged that on January 10, this year, at Chesoo area of Kositei location in Tiaty West Sub County, they jointly rounded up 37 herds of cattle, the property of Kalikwan Siwakapel, and drove them away to an unknown destination

The duo was charged with theft contrary to section 278 of the penal code when they appeared before Senior Resident Magistrate (SRM) Caroline Ateya and pleaded not guilty to the charges levelled against them.

Ateya released them on a Ksh300,000 bond each with one surety of a similar amount or an alternative cash bail of Ksh150, 000. The case will come up for mention on January 23 with the prosecution counsel saying he has lined up two witnesses to prove the case against the accused.

In the same court, a man in his late twenties appeared before the magistrate charged with stealing a bull estimated to be worth Ksh25,000.

Deyeon Semito Natewei allegedly stole the bull belonging to Paulina Leleboo on January 19, this year, at Iti village in Eldume sub-location of Marigat location, Baringo South.

When the charge was read to him before SRM Ateya, the accused pleaded not guilty to the offence claiming he was innocent.

The magistrate released him on a personal bond of Ksh70,000 with one surety of a similar amount or alternatively a cash bail of Ksh30,000.

The case will be mentioned on February 2 and heard on March 7.

The prosecution counsel told the court that three witnesses were set to testify in the case.


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