A w***n who hatched and executed a plan to kill her husband five years ago has been convicted by the High court in Homa Bay.

Sandra Achieng’ was convicted for the murder of Erick Ochieng Opiyo after she was found g****y.

The court heard that the accused conspired with her brother-in-law, Shem Odoyo Opiyo to kill her husband in the incident that occurred on November 21, 2018, at Maguje village in Kanyach Kachar, Homa Bay county.

While appearing before justice Kiarie Waweru Achieng told the court that she found her husband dead shortly after she returned home from visiting her parent’s house where she had gone to pick up her children.

In his ruling, Justice Kiarie while dismissing the accused’s explanation noted that evidence tabled before the court proved that the deceased had been killed elsewhere before his body was abandoned where it was found.

At the time, police who visited the scene found a lot of b***d across the room and the mattress had been set ablaze to cover up the murder.

He also explained that the accused had given a different account of what happened to her a***i. She had told Mary Adhiambo Odhawa that her husband had gone to the disco and never returned home.

On her part, Odhawa told the court that she found Achieng washing clothes at a river on the day her husband was killed.

“When the body of the deceased was recovered, evidence on record is that there were telltale signs that indicated he was killed elsewhere before it was abandoned where it was found,” justice Kiarie ruled.

“This was confirmed by a lot of b***d in his house including on the curtains and the bedding. Perhaps in a bid to cover up, this is why the mattress was set ablaze,”

Achieng was found g****y by the court and convicted while her accomplice Opiyo was acquitted after Justice Kiarie ruled that there was insufficient evidence to prove that he was involved.

“The evidence on record indicated that the murder of the deceased was well planned and executed by more than one person. I find that malice aforethought has been established. I accordingly find her g****y of the offence and convict her,” the justice ruled.


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