Gachagua had paid a visit to the school for an alumni meeting, 40 years after finishing his studies there.

The DP had a handful of goodies for the students which he said were aimed at motivating them to work hard in their academics.

He said the students will celebrate the bash after coming back from midterm entrusting the money with the administration.

Kabla sijatoka lazima niwapangie bash kidogo,nitaacha Ksh500,000 kwa hawa vijana alafu mtapanga maneno yenu,” he said.

This was besides the lunch they shared together where he had brought six bulls to be s*********d.

In addition, the teachers got a perk of Ksh200,000 and the support staff also got Ksh100,000.

He pledged to have all the dormitories renovated to get a new look, the construction of an ultra-modern multi-purpose hall and a new bus.

The school will also have an Olympic size swimming pool.

“During our time we used to call this place Kalahari because it was too hot and still is, so the pool will come in handy,” he said.

“This money will come from our pockets as the alumni and not from the government,” he said.

Gachagua however urged the students to put more effort into their academics and shine at the national level saying all the promises made are pegged on a 10+ mean score.

“You cannot be below 10 when I am the Deputy President. Let the school that I went to be on the national map. Please dignity me,” he remarked.

He said there has to be a written agreement between the school and the alumni that all the money to be invested in the school will be in exchange for good grades.

He said he will call for a meeting with the teachers, alumni, and other stakeholders to discuss how to improve the grades of the school.

“Whatever you want us to do we will do it because I want the school to shine,” he remarked.


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