Interior Cabinet Secretary(CS) Kithure Kindiki has affirmed to fight against insecurity and cattle rustling menace in Isiolo county and its environs in a bid to attract investors in the region.

Speaking yesterday during a meeting with Isiolo Governor Abdi Guyo and several other leaders from the region, the CS said the government is committed to addressing security issues in the Northern Kenya counties to ensure the area is open to social economic developments to help boost the economy of the country.

“Northern Kenya is very potential for development however security is of paramount importance to the socioeconomic development of counties across Kenya. It drives business growth and helps attract new investors consequently leading to job creation that’s why the government is keen on improving security in Isiolo and its neighbouring counties,” Kindiki stated.

The CS was accompanied by Isiolo Senator Fatuma Dhulo, County Women Rep Mumina Bonaya, Isiolo North M.P Joseph Samal and Isiolo South M.P Mohammed Tupi who promised to work together with the national government to improve security status and restore peace in Isiolo county.

Kindiki at the same time added that they are fast-tracking and finalizing the recruitment of 350 National Police Reservists (NPRs), and the operation of three sub-counties police stations in a bid to fight bandits and eradicate cattle rustling.

He also asserted his ministry’s dedication toward the placement of the soon-to-be-established additional police unit in Yamicha, Biliqo Marara, and Mlango.

“Apart from recruiting NPRs, I pledge to involve all government agencies to ensure cattle rustling which is a perennial security issue in this area and neighbouring counties comes to an end to help people live in peace,” CS Kindiki noted.

Kindiki further said his leadership will prioritize negotiation for the expansion of Isiolo International airport to help attract more investors in the region.

Speaking during the meeting Governor Abdi noted his government will cooperate with the Interior Ministry in finding lasting solutions to the insecurity issue.
“Insecurity is the greatest problem in this region it has for decades disenfranchised residents of their livelihoods and denied them development opportunities,” said Guyo.

The county chief added that elected leaders have decided to work closely with the residents and the security agencies to find lasting solutions to the continued banditry attacks.

“Over the years banditry attacks have led to the loss of hundreds of innocent lives and the destruction of property worth millions but if this issue is improved we are sure many investors will be ready to come tap resources ahead of the completion of LAPSET construction,” said the county boss

The CS, however, warned the armed criminals to surrender their weapons to the authority as the government is devoted to flushing them out of their hideouts noting for many years residents have borne the brunt of insecurity.


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