A family from Budalangi constituency is appealing to well-wishers to help them raise half a million for an urgent operation for their 6-month daughter at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital (JOOTRH).

According to the family, Pamela Achieng was born without an anus, an important organ to a human being and she needs urgent correction.

Speaking to KNA Achieng’s mother, Dorcas Omonyo, who is a mother of three is now living in agony at seeing the painful life of their daughter.

“We need half a million to book an operation for my daughter at JOOTRH in Kisumu. My daughter was born without an anus and she needs correction according to doctors,” said Dorcas.

The complication was discovered at Port Victoria Hospital in July last year, but the family has been unable to raise funds to facilitate the operation.

“After visiting Port Victoria hospital and Siaya Referral Hospitals, we were recommended to Kisumu’s Jaramogi Odinga Hospital where Achieng should be operated from, so as to have a normal excretion process,” noted Dorcas.

Pamela’s father Francis Onyango, now lives in fear of losing her child as the fisherman can do little to pay the needed amount.

“We are worried that we might lose her due to the unbearable pain that she is undergoing yet we have no means to help,” Omonyo said.


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