Kenyan actress Winnie Bwire, popularly known by her character’s name, Dida, from the series Sultana took to social media to appreciate the people who have supported her since her breast cancer diagnosis.

Sharing a picture of herself, the actress wrote, “As we mark the end of the breast Cancer awareness month, I’d love to appreciate your love and support through my journey. Those in the know that walked with me from the very beginning. We’re almost at the end of the lap and I count myself blessed to have people like you in my life.” (SIC)

She also went on to acknowledge the care given by her husband, fellow actor Dan Sonko calling him her best friend, love and caregiver. Reiterating that her battle with the disease would have been less bearable without her family and loved ones.

 “A big thank you to my parents, my in-laws , my cousins, my co-workers, my bosses , my Doctor and nurses, my children and last but definitely (sic) not least my best friend, my love and care giver Dan Sonko. Without y’all, this journey wouldn’t be as smooth. I am here today because of the love, support and shield you’ve surround me with from the very start,” she added.

While giving thanks to God, calling Him “the star of the show”, she also urged her fans to go for screenings and encouraged those fighting to not “let cancer outlive” them.

“Please keep going for screenings even when the month of October ends. Breast cancer knows no age, colour, size nor gender. Know your body and treat it right. To all my warriors out there, keep fighting. Your life is yours to live. Don’t let cancer outlive you. Don’t let it ever stop you. Don’t let it eat at your brain.”

The post “Breast Cancer knows no age,” says actress Winnie Bwire appeared first on KBC.


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