Detectives in Mombasa County are investigating an incident where a 7-year-old boy is alleged to have been sodomized several times by a fellow pupil inside a Primary School’s toilet.

The minor’s mother, DO (name concealed), claims that the sodomy ordeal on her son began in January this year at Saint Kevin’s Hills school in Nyali and that it took time for the family to discover.

She says they first noticed that the boy’s academic performance was going down.

“His performance at school began going down and it got to a stage where he never wanted to go to school anymore,” she said.

The family was forced to seek medical attention when the child began passing stool on himself uncontrollably.

“He has been passing stool on himself for the last few weeks and it really got us worried. We asked his teachers if anything had happened to him at school but they seemed unaware. The trend continued and when l took him to the hospital, the results were shocking; he had been sodomized several times,” the mother said.

Treatment notes from the Coast General Referral hospital indicate that the victim’s private parts had abrasions and lacerations (Hamartomas), a clear indication that the minor’s anus was penetrated.

She further claims that she later discovered that the suspect, a Class Five boy, threatened to kill his son using broken bottles if he disclosed the ordeal that took place inside the school toilet.

“My son would be lured to the toilet by the older boy by pretending to take him for a short call. In there, he had kept broken bottles which he would use to inflict wounds on his back in case he resisted,” the mother claimed.

The school is already aware of the case and its Director Patrick Katiba had assured that they will cooperate with the police to get to the root of the incident.

“I am aware of the unfortunate incident. However, let us allow police to do their work and come up with convulsive answers on what happened,” he said.

Coast Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Protection Unit Head Andrew Warui has revealed to K24 Digital that the two minors had already recorded statements with the police.

Others who were summoned by the detectives for interrogation are the school Director, the class teacher to the victim, the school’s head teacher, and the parents of the victim alongside those of the suspect.

“Detectives have probed the school to ascertain if the cases are rampant,” he said.

At the same, he said that there were worrying statistics indicating that cases of minors sexually abusing each other are on the rise in the region.

The minor is set to undergo surgery this week.


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