Rainfall is expected to continue in several parts of the country over the next six days.

According to the weather forecast for the period from 24th to 30th, rainfall will affect parts of the Highlands East and West of the Rift Valley, the Lake Victoria Basin, the Central and South Rift Valley, the South-eastern lowlands, and the Coast. Rain will occur in a few areas during the first half of the forecast period.

Afternoon and night showers and thunderstorms are expected over several places occasionally reducing to few places during the first half of the forecast period.

North-eastern and Northwestern Kenya will be generally sunny and dry, while nights are likely to be partly cloudy. However, a few areas may experience light rains on Wednesday morning.

Average daytime (maximum) temperatures of more than 30°C will be experienced in several parts of the country including the Coast, North-eastern, North- Western Kenya and parts of the Highlands West of the Rift Valley and South-Eastern lowlands.

The temperatures will drop at night (minimum) to less than 10°C.

The current rainfall marks the cessation of the short rains season which is from October to December.

“Comparing the 9 to 15 December 2024 and the 16 to 22 December 2024 periods, it is notable that there was an increase in rainfall amounts over most areas that received rainfall, except over the Coastal region which experienced a decrease,” said the Director of Meteorological Service Dr. David Gikungu.

The highest seven-day rainfall total (210.8 mm) was recorded at Muthesya Rainfall Station in Machakos County.

The Mayori rainfall station in Embu County recorded the highest rainfall within 24 hours: 164.9 mm on 19 December 2024.


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