A sombre mood engulfed Olgutum village, Mashuuru in Kajiado East as friends and relatives paid their last respect to a teacher who was mysteriously murdered last Sunday.

Speaker after speaker urged detectives to expedite investigations into the murder of Edward Kupere Kasuku who was the head teacher of Kantafu primary school Machakos.

On the fateful day, the teacher is reported to have been waylaid by unknown suspects believed to have forcefully poisoned him in his house where he lived alone leaving him to succumb.

In a tearful burial, locals lamented that one week down the line no tangible steps have been achieved in unravelling the heinous murder.

Led by Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) executive secretary, Elly Korinko, the teachers’ fraternity said the teacher was delocalized for two and half years and had been raising concerns over an unfriendly working environment.

“It is sad that we are burying one of us. It is further disheartening that the teacher had complained of the harsh unfriendly working environment in vain,” Korinko said.

The Knut official further stated that the delocalization of teachers has witnessed increased marriage breakups and conflicts leading to low morale among tutors.


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