Businessman George Mwangi, the husband to Kiambu-based politician Gladys Chania was hit by a blunt object before he died, an autopsy has revealed.

A postmortem exercise conducted at the Kenyatta University Funeral Home also revealed that some of Mwangi’s hand fingers had serious fractures depicting his struggle to defend himself from his attackers.

The exercise conducted by chief government pathologist Johansen Oduor further revealed that Mwangi whose body was found dumped at Kieni forest was hit in the back several times.

Earlier, a row between Chania’s children and Mwangi’s family had erupted over who should be given access to the body for the burial.

According to Jane Wambui who is Mwangi’s sister, the two parties agreed to have representatives who will witness and sign the removal of the body from the morgue.

“There was a standoff in the morning but we have since resolved it. We have agreed that my brother and a representative from Chania’s side will facilitate the removal of Mwangi’s body for burial,” Wambui stated.

The family of Mwangi has maintained a sustained quest for justice insisting that the killers must be brought to book and punished for their heinous acts.

“The government is trying and we believe they can do more to ensure that justice for my brother Mwangi is served,” Wambui added.

A burial permit has been issued to the family for a funeral service whose dates are yet to be announced.

Meanwhile, Chania, alongside Morris Mbugua, a casual worker are still in remand for seven days to allow room for investigations into their alleged involvement in the murder of the engineer who was set to fly back to Rwanda where he has been serving as a contractor.

Chania who was married to Mwangi for twenty years is suspected to have plotted a plan to murder her husband after she learnt about his alleged love affair with a secretary at a local school.

Police say the politician identified Mwangi at the morgue days after she reported him missing at Mwea and Gachege police posts in Gatundu North respectively.

Chania unsuccessfully vied for the Kiambu Woman Representative position in 2013 and 2017.


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