Parents have now called on Education Cabinet Secretary (CS) Ezekiel Machogu to form a task force to investigate corporal punishment in schools.

Through the National Parents Association (NPA), the guardians and parents have decried increasing cases of corporal punishment witnessed in schools.

Through NPA Chairman Silas Obuhatsa, the parents noted that teachers were using extreme force on learners with no reasonable cause.

According to the parents, it was unreasonable that children were being subjected to such form of punishment in a place considered safe for them.

“Teachers have been terribly punishing and injuring young children in schools without any reasonable cause,”

“A task force with come up with measures that will advise the Ministry on what steps to take to rescue learners,” he stated.

The move comes in the wake of increasing cases of corporal punishment in schools.

The most recent incident occurred in Kisi where a student was subjected to severe punishment until he lost a testicle.

According to the student, five teachers including his maths teacher and the security guard landed heavy blows and kicks on him before tying him up to a log where they beat him thoroughly.


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