Azimio la Umoja -One Kenya supremo Raila Odinga has threatened to move to court to seek orders barring President William Ruto from forming a Judicial Commission of inquiry to probe the Shakahola tragedy where 110 bodies have been retrieved from shallow graves.

Speaking during the burial ceremony of Mzee Daniel Mwachiru Korokoro held in Chonyi village, Kilifi county the opposition leader strongly opposed the move noting that the Head of State had surpassed parliament by issuing the directives.

Raila noted that Ruto had no such powers to form the commission. He reiterated that only the parliament was mandated to make such changes.

“Nimeona bwana Ruto jana ameweka tume ya kufanya uchunguzi. Rais hana uwezo ya kuunda jopokazi ya kufanya uchunguzi. Hiyo imewekwa chini ya Bunge na juzi nimeambia bunge yetu waunde tume ya uchunguzi. Bunge inalala; haijefanya kazi hiyo,” he said.

Loosely translates to:

“I was shocked when Ruto appointed a Commission of Inquiry into the killings at Shakahola, despite knowing very well that under the New Constitution, he does not have such powers. It is only the Parliament that can form a Commission of Inquiry into the mass murder of the people,” Raila said.

Ruto had appointed a commission of Inquiry to investigate the macabre killings in Shakahola.

In a statement shared by Stae House spokesperson Hussein Mohamed, Ruto noted that he had also appointed a task force to review the legal and regulatory framework governing religious organizations.

“President William Ruto appoints a Commission of Inquiry on the Shakahola Tragedy. The Head of State has also appointed a Taskforce to review the legal and regulatory framework governing religious organizations,” Mohamed said in a tweet.


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