Tuesday, January 17, 2023, brought to an end Wafula Chebukati’s six-year tenure at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

Despite the controversy surrounding the two elections, he maintains that he leaves the commission with his head high.

His time at IEBC will be praised and criticized in equal measures but Chebukati goes home having set a unique standard for upcoming leadership at IEBC.

Chebukati’s character as a cool, composed, and decisive figure even in times of crisis led him to clash with various political figures who did not agree with his decisions.

We take a look at four instances when he clashed with politicians while in office;

Safina party leader Jimi Wanjigi had hoped to give President William Ruto and Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga a run for their money in the 2022 general election, but that dream was cut short as Chebukati refused to clear him citing lack of a university degree.

This led to a bitter exchange between Wanjigi and the immediate former IEBC chairperson at the floor of Bomas of Kenya where the commission was vetting the presidential candidates.

Wanjigi’s several pleas to be heard by the commission fell on deaf ears as Chebukati stood his ground.

“Degree certificate is mandatory and due to that; I am rejecting your application to be nominated as a candidate for the presidential election slated for August 9 this year. That is my decision as the returning officer for the presidential elections. It’s is my decision and if you have any issue, take it to the dispute resolution committee, thank you very much and these proceedings are over.” Chebukati asserted.

Same to Wanjigi, former Murang’a governor Mwangi wa Iria’s dream to succeed Uhuru Kenyatta did not see the light of the day after Chebukati blocked his presidential bid saying he had failed to meet the signatures threshold for clearance as a presidential candidate.

Chebukati informed Wa Iria that he would not grant him an extension because he had only presented signatures from 22 counties as opposed to the required 24 counties sparking protest within Wa Iria’s camp.

Relentless Wa Iria tried to put on a fight, camping with his supporters at Anniversary Towers hoping to meet Chebukati who eventually refused to grant them an audience.

It is during Chebukati’s era that Raila lost two presidential elections. In both elections, Odinga protested the results leading to a legal battle at the Supreme Court.

In what became a historic ruling, the David Maraga-led Supreme Court declared the 2017 presidential results as announced by Chebukati null and void. This validated Odinga’s claims that Chebukati and his team did not conduct free and fair elections.

This led to a war of words between the commission and Raila’s camp with the former Prime Minister calling for Chebukati’s resignation and the disbandment of the whole commission.

Odinga made true his threats when he pulled out of the 2017 presidential re-run stating that he did not have faith in Chebukati to deliver free, fair, and credible elections.

Raila instead chose street protests to force Chebukati and his team to leave office, but despite the pressure mounted on him by the frequent demonstrations that were dubbed “Machozi Monday” Chebukati maintained his position saying resignation would plunge the country into a deeper crisis.

In 2022, Raila Odinga went to court again only for the supreme court to validate Chebukati’s results.

The ODM boss has however insisted that Chebukati denied him victory calling for his prosecution.

After the 2017 elections were quashed by the Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice David Maraga, a war of words ensued between the then deputy president who is now President William Ruto with Chebukati.

Speaking on a live TV interview, Ruto claimed Chebukati was working with the opposition team led by Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, Musalia Mudavadi, and Moses Wetangula.

“I am aware Chebukati is meeting NASA leaders at night. That could be why he is sending messages here and there, and sensational memos. I’m asking him to stop writing memos and concentrate on delivering a credible election,” Ruto said.

In his response, Chebukati denied the claims by Ruto terming them as reckless and baseless.

“Rumors regarding my so-called night meetings with NASA are baseless and reckless,” Chebukati said.

Five years later, Ruto and Chebukati are blossom friends, and as his time at IEBC came to an end, President Ruto described him as a leader of integrity.

“It is this uncompromising commitment to his constitutional responsibility that enabled Chebukati to lead IEBC in learning effectively from the 2013 and 2017 elections to deliver an election that met the highest standards and, in fact, that was unstealable,” Ruto said.


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